

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Merry Christmas everyone! I actually had a very nice, quiet Christmas. I never go anywhere exotic or do anything super special like some people. But that's ok. I enjoy spending time with my family.

A lot of times everyone gets caught up in the cookie baking, present wrapping, shopping part of Christmas. Christmas can be very stressful so sometimes it's nice that it's over. But I don't know about any of my readers out there, (is anyone out there?) but it didn't feel like Christmas at all this year until Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we got a very beautiful snow. It was so magical and pretty and it finally felt like Christmas. But now Christmas is over and I've kind of lost my chance of being in the Christmas spirit.

Or have I? Of course, Christmas spirit isn't all about the cookies, present wrapping, and shopping right?  I was taught that Christmas spirit is believing Jesus was born on Christmas Day. I really do believe that, so maybe I haven't lost my chance. Jesus is with me everyday. So I guess I really do have Christmas spirit everyday.

We almost didn't make it to church on Christmas Eve. It was kind of hectic. We have to drive over a mountain to get to our church. Mountains and snow don't really mix. Especially when barley any plows have gone through. It's also a bit of a problem when you're already running behind and the road is closed and you have to go a different and longer way. To top it all off, your family has the music that everyone is suppose to sing in about 2 minutes and you're still inching your way along the snowy road. But anyway, we made it and everyone sang and everything turned out just fine!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

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