Remember that crazy storm that happened about a month ago? Well I'm going to talk about it now :)
The day before the weekend of the storm, all of my teachers and classmates were talking about how terrible the storm would be, and how they had to prepare, bla bla bla. Well it turns out that that same weekend I had a lot of fun plans going on. So I refused to believe that anything, even a hurricane, would ruin my plans. I thought everyone was just over reacting and we would only get a little bit of rain and maybe some heavier winds than usual. Boy was I wrong.
Though only 1 of my plans were ruined (our towns annual halloween parade), the storm was much worse than I expected. Our area got hit worse than the other areas around us though. I probably jinxed it...
On Sunday night the school called and cancelled school for Monday and Tuesday. Monday during the day, nothing really happened. It just rained. But Monday night is when the craziness started. The lights in our house started flickering, the wind got crazy, and the radio was going beserk with bad weather announcements. So of course, my 7-year-old brother was scared and slept with me that night. The next morning when I woke up, our Internet and phone had been knocked out, but we still had power. We were actually one of the only houses on our street to keep power.
To cut to the chase, school was canceled almost all week because most of the schools were without power. I have to say, 4 days without Internet or phone are very boring, but at least we kept power. Most of our town had to go live with relatives or friends with power for the week. But school continued on Friday and everyone here is safe. I'm praying for all of the people who's homes and areas were devastated by the hurricane.
**the following pictures are: A) a tree that fell on my neighbors porch.
B) while we were off school, mom had to get us out of the house so we went to party city and Brady noticed this Justin Bieber display and looked at me and said "really..."
C) while we were on our adventure, mom took us to sweet frog! Our fret time since the beach. Yum :)
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