Breanna had been begging us for a dog. She really wanted a new dog. I was not ready for a new dog. Reggie was one of the first pets I ever had. I wasn't ready to replace him just yet. But about a month of research later, a new dog was on mind. Our Grandma is a dog lover. She has had poodles ever since my mom can remember. She got her latest poodle, Trouble, from a breeder. With a some quick phone calls, she had a dog for us. Jack was the runt of the litter. He is a teacup poodle and weighs 3 pounds. That is quite a difference from out 65 pound beagle/springer spainel mix! But at the beginning of December, Jack was brought to our house and he is here to stay. It's amazing how fast he was drawn to Breanna. He follow her everywhere, if Brady tries to hit her, Jack barks. He's very protective of Breanna. Jack and Breanna are definently buddies.

Friday, December 30, 2011
A few months ago, our dog, Reggie died. We had Reggie for about 7 years. He was a really great dog and we all miss him so much. We got him at a shelter. Reggie had a very happy life but unfortunately he had some health problems. He got constant ear infections, had thyroid problems, and had developed cancer. He died at night while everyone was asleep. Rest in peace, Reggie. You will never be forgotten.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Oh Christmas Tree...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....everyone is putting up their lights, Christmas music is playing, and every store has up their Christmas decorations. So we decided to join in and get our tree a while ago. But I've been really busy with everything so you'll be able to see finally! Even though our cat decided it was a good idea to climb it, everything turned out ok.
We go to this really nice tree farm where they have free cookies and hot cocoa, and they take you out on a hay ride, and you get to see reindeer. But sadly, the reindeer have died since we were there last year :(.
It took us a while to pick out our tree because the ceilings in our house are about 9 ft high! So we can't pick out a little skimpy tree. We need a tall tree. We finally decided on a tree after about an hour! It's a little short, but it will do. I was just happy to get out of there.
After tree finding, we ate a nice supper at Hoss's. YUM!
We go to this really nice tree farm where they have free cookies and hot cocoa, and they take you out on a hay ride, and you get to see reindeer. But sadly, the reindeer have died since we were there last year :(.
It took us a while to pick out our tree because the ceilings in our house are about 9 ft high! So we can't pick out a little skimpy tree. We need a tall tree. We finally decided on a tree after about an hour! It's a little short, but it will do. I was just happy to get out of there.
After tree finding, we ate a nice supper at Hoss's. YUM!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Looooong Night.
The other night I went on a trip for my friend, Jalen's, church. We had a blast! We went to a hockey game (they lost 4-5 in over time), had a guest speaker, played games, went to an athletic center, where we played badmitten and had a bouncy house!:), went roller skating, and last but not least, bowling. We left at 5pm on Friday, and got back at 7am on Saturday!! Talk about being exhausted! I took a 5 hour nap when I got home! But it was worth it:) I loved it.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Yes, I know what everyone is thinking...another birthday letter? But whoever for? Well, it's true all my siblings have already celebrated their birthdays, but this blog is called FRIENDS.Family.Everything. But the person I'm writing the letter to today, is more than a friend. She's like my sister. In fact, I tell people she's my sister if they ask:) goes!
Dearest Mary Kate,
Well, by request, here is your birthday letter! I love you sooooo much! I can't believe you're already 17! Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday, you were 12 and I was 8 and you were babysitting us for the first time and Brady cried the WHOLE time and Breanna kept saying that a squirrel peed on her head:). You're an amazing dancer. I know people probably tell you that all the time, but it's really true. You're one of the best dancers I've ever seen.
You're so crazy! I love it! You always think of the most random things and you always put a smile on my face. I love it when you ride the bus; making up songs and making videos about all the things you can do in a bathtub(:.
I hope you teach showstoppers this year again. I'm not sure if I'll do it without you.
You're my role model. I've always wanted to be just like you. You're so great at everything, and so crazy, and absolutely gorgeous! I love you so much big sister<3 and I'm going to cry when you go to college. You better come visit me or write me letters everyday; yes, snail mail.
You can't forget all the advice you give me. Yes everyone, she tells me so many helpful tips that I have a list on my iPod. It's actually a very amusing list. Some of my favorites are, "use big words, it gives the illusion of intelligence", "you can't just walk into strange barns", and "don't wipe ear wax on other people."
Your Baby Sister:)
Dearest Mary Kate,
Well, by request, here is your birthday letter! I love you sooooo much! I can't believe you're already 17! Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday, you were 12 and I was 8 and you were babysitting us for the first time and Brady cried the WHOLE time and Breanna kept saying that a squirrel peed on her head:). You're an amazing dancer. I know people probably tell you that all the time, but it's really true. You're one of the best dancers I've ever seen.
You're so crazy! I love it! You always think of the most random things and you always put a smile on my face. I love it when you ride the bus; making up songs and making videos about all the things you can do in a bathtub(:.
I hope you teach showstoppers this year again. I'm not sure if I'll do it without you.
You're my role model. I've always wanted to be just like you. You're so great at everything, and so crazy, and absolutely gorgeous! I love you so much big sister<3 and I'm going to cry when you go to college. You better come visit me or write me letters everyday; yes, snail mail.
You can't forget all the advice you give me. Yes everyone, she tells me so many helpful tips that I have a list on my iPod. It's actually a very amusing list. Some of my favorites are, "use big words, it gives the illusion of intelligence", "you can't just walk into strange barns", and "don't wipe ear wax on other people."
Your Baby Sister:)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pumpkin Carving
It's that time of year. The night are chilly, the leaves are falling, and everyone has cute little pumpkins sitting outside their houses. Well, we didn't...until last weekend. Dad, Breanna, Brady, and Ashley ventured out to a pumpkin farm and picked out pumpkins (My mom and I were shopping). Then the next night, we carved our pumpkins. I didn't get all the pumpkins...but take a look.
Monday, October 24, 2011
I feel so awful because I haven't had time to do Ashley's birthday letter. Her birthday was October 5th. I'm a bit late, right? Well here it goes...
Dear Ashley,
Happy 9th birthday!! Being nine will be exciting and difficult.
You're in 3rd grade now! 3rd grade is lots of fun. This year you'll take your first state test! I remember being terrified. But really, it's not that big a deal as the teachers make it. You'll do great, I know it.
You're so fast and skinny. My thumb and middle finger can almost wrap around your ankle! You have the perfect track body. I hope you'll do track in high school. You'll be really great at it. You're so athletic.
You're also my girly girl. You love sparkles, high heels, and shopping. Sometimes it drives me crazy because you want to buy EVERYTHING but you're so easy to shop for.
Ashley, I love you. Even though you drive me crazy, you'll go far in life. Happy (belated) Birthday!
Dear Ashley,
Happy 9th birthday!! Being nine will be exciting and difficult.
You're in 3rd grade now! 3rd grade is lots of fun. This year you'll take your first state test! I remember being terrified. But really, it's not that big a deal as the teachers make it. You'll do great, I know it.
You're so fast and skinny. My thumb and middle finger can almost wrap around your ankle! You have the perfect track body. I hope you'll do track in high school. You'll be really great at it. You're so athletic.
You're also my girly girl. You love sparkles, high heels, and shopping. Sometimes it drives me crazy because you want to buy EVERYTHING but you're so easy to shop for.
Ashley, I love you. Even though you drive me crazy, you'll go far in life. Happy (belated) Birthday!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
An exciting thing happened in our family the other day. One of the most exciting events in a 6 year old's life.
He was very excited and smiled for many toothless pictures. It's one of his lower front teeth. And he also informed me that he has another loose tooth.
He was very excited and smiled for many toothless pictures. It's one of his lower front teeth. And he also informed me that he has another loose tooth.
One of the most exciting parts was getting to put his tooth in a bag, waiting for the tooth fairy, and getting his picture up in his classroom at school for the people who have lost teeth. Here's some pictures!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Down on the Farm...
So last weekend, was our town farm festival. My dance studio had a booth their. We had a bake sale and did face painting. We really had a great time. It was a really rainy day, but I was really surprised at how many people were there.
I met up with Grandmother, Aunt Sara, Blake, and Ava and walked around with them for a little while. But, I had to get back to working. Blake came over to get his face painted and got a cow on his cheek(: Ava didn't want anything. Mary Kate and I were dancing on the hay bails and got our pictures in one of those little things where you cut out the head and it looks like you have the body of a cow or something. And next door, there was a day old baby calf! It was really cute!
I met up with Grandmother, Aunt Sara, Blake, and Ava and walked around with them for a little while. But, I had to get back to working. Blake came over to get his face painted and got a cow on his cheek(: Ava didn't want anything. Mary Kate and I were dancing on the hay bails and got our pictures in one of those little things where you cut out the head and it looks like you have the body of a cow or something. And next door, there was a day old baby calf! It was really cute!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A New Friend (Part 2)
Sorry for leaving you off there. I might have accidentally hit the post button. But now I'm here to tell you all about our newest addition (even though we've had him for about a month, but I've been too lazy busy to blog about him.) So here it goes.....
This is Ace! Well, if you ask different members of our family, he has a different name, but I call him Ace(:
My dad and Brady went out to a farm, and fell in love with this adorable little kitten. We already have 4 chickens, a dog, and a rabbit, so why not throw in a cat?
Reggie isn't to thrilled...but he'll get used to it.
Ace is much loved. Luckily my best friend, Rachel was over at my house when Brady came in holding a cute little bundle of fur! That was an interesting sleepover!
Not sure how old he is, hasn't been to the vet yet, but we'll take him soon.
Isn't he cute?
So come on down and visit our newest little bundle of joy!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A New Friend..
I know that everyone has been so busy. With school starting, practices, and everything else to catch up on, there's just no time for simple things like blogging. But now that I have finally found the time (and my computer is working), I would like to introduce you all to our family's newest addition:
Monday, September 12, 2011
I've decided to make this a birthday tradition, writing a letter to the member of my family who is celebrating the birthday. Today, it's Breanna.
Dear Breanna,
Let me start out with how much I love you. You were my first baby sister and always will be. You always understand everything. You're very curious and athletic. Sometimes I'm jealous of your athletic ability. You have so much energy, and so much fun inside of you!
5th grade is a lot of fun! You're on top of the elementary school. It's like you've worked for 6 years, just to get to that spot. It's kind of interesting that you're on the top of the elementary school while I'm on the top of the middle school.
I'm just going to tell you right now, 11 is a tough age. I can remember really clearly what it was like when I was 11. No one treats you the way you want. Everyone treats you like a little kid. You're kind of stuck in the middle. You're not a little kid, but you're not a teenager either. But I know you can get through it. You can get through anything.
I love you so much Breanna. From the time you were first born and I called you "Annie Rose" and "Little Piggy", to now. Just know that I'll always be there for you.
Dear Breanna,
Let me start out with how much I love you. You were my first baby sister and always will be. You always understand everything. You're very curious and athletic. Sometimes I'm jealous of your athletic ability. You have so much energy, and so much fun inside of you!
5th grade is a lot of fun! You're on top of the elementary school. It's like you've worked for 6 years, just to get to that spot. It's kind of interesting that you're on the top of the elementary school while I'm on the top of the middle school.
I'm just going to tell you right now, 11 is a tough age. I can remember really clearly what it was like when I was 11. No one treats you the way you want. Everyone treats you like a little kid. You're kind of stuck in the middle. You're not a little kid, but you're not a teenager either. But I know you can get through it. You can get through anything.
I love you so much Breanna. From the time you were first born and I called you "Annie Rose" and "Little Piggy", to now. Just know that I'll always be there for you.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
First Day of School (2011-12)
Tuesday was our first day of school. Breanna went into 5th grade, Ashley into 3rd grade, Brady into 1st grade, and I went into 8th grade. It was excited and nervous. I'm not really sure why I was nervous since I'm on top of the school now, (oh yeah!!) but I was. I couldn't sleep the night before because I kept on thinking. That always happens when I can't fall asleep. It's because I just keep thinking, about everything! But somewhere around 11:00, I finally fell asleep.
The day started very rainy. I got ready and had to go up and feed our 4 chickens. 2 of them just recently started laying eggs. When we got out of the pouring rain and back in the house, I had to go back out to stand and wait for the bus.
On our way to school, 2 cars crashed. Right there. In front of us. Leave it to me, to be the person who witnesses a car crash before school even starts. My bus driver was so surprised. She didn't know what to do. We just kind of sat there for a while and saw that some people were calling 9-1-1.
Then later I realize I forgot my lunch. Luckily, my mom brought it in, cause that's what Mom's are for, right?
The rest of the day went well though. My schedule is busy though:
The day started very rainy. I got ready and had to go up and feed our 4 chickens. 2 of them just recently started laying eggs. When we got out of the pouring rain and back in the house, I had to go back out to stand and wait for the bus.
On our way to school, 2 cars crashed. Right there. In front of us. Leave it to me, to be the person who witnesses a car crash before school even starts. My bus driver was so surprised. She didn't know what to do. We just kind of sat there for a while and saw that some people were calling 9-1-1.
Then later I realize I forgot my lunch. Luckily, my mom brought it in, cause that's what Mom's are for, right?
The rest of the day went well though. My schedule is busy though:
1st pd- Social Studies (my teacher is out for knee surgery so there has been a sub)
2nd pd- Pre Algebra (there are 14 boys, and 5 girls in my class!)
3rd pd- On day A, it's Health. On day B, it's Gym
4th pd. - Science. ( I love my science teacher!)
5th pd.- English.
6th pd.- LUNCH! yay! my favorite!
7th pd.- Reading on day A ( i love reading class the best!) and Computer on day B.
8th pd.- Study Hall
Then we get to go home!
Have you ever had any crazy first days of school? Comment below please!
Happy 2011-2012 school year!
PS: Sorry! I couldn't get the pictures to work!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Last Splash
It's the last splash of summer. School starts tommorrow. So yesterday, we had our last hoorah before school. Labor Day was today, so yesterday we had a picnic. It was nice to get to see the whole family on my Mom's side. Usually my mom's brother and his family are unable to come to our party's and picnics because of their busy schedules. But they were finally able to come!
We got in the pool for the last time of Summer 2011. The pool will close after Labor Day. It was very chilly at first, but was nice after you got used to it.
We had some fresh corn on the cob, chicken legs/wings, and fresh fruit. Mmmm....I love that kind of eating!
It did start raining near the end, but we got most of our fun out by then. All in all, we had a great day.
We got in the pool for the last time of Summer 2011. The pool will close after Labor Day. It was very chilly at first, but was nice after you got used to it.
We had some fresh corn on the cob, chicken legs/wings, and fresh fruit. Mmmm....I love that kind of eating!
It did start raining near the end, but we got most of our fun out by then. All in all, we had a great day.
There was a very competitive game of keep away. Girls against boys of course. But I got out halfway through because it got a little too competitive.
There were smiles...
...And kisses...
...And perfect cathches.
...And smiling cousins...
...And girls eating pickels...(Doesn't it look like she's smiling?)
...And friendly throws...
...And then, we got mad. So I got out. But everything turned out ok. Everyone came out alive!
Happy Labor Day.(:
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ready, Set, HIKE!
Yesterday, Brady had his first football game. Brady, my little brother, who is 6 and only weighs 39 lbs, out there playing rough and tough football. It's a scary thought. But surprisingly, he did really well. When we first put on all of his pads, he was like a little robot with stiff arms and legs. His head was like a bobble head with his helmet. But of course, my dad loves it. My dad played football all the way up to college. This is my dad's dream. But Brady loves it too, of course. The first day Brady put his pads on, Dad threw the football to him. Brady fell down. My dad was wondering why he didn't get up. Brady said, "Daddy, I'm stuck!"
So Dad had to help him up. He is past his days where he can't get up, but he's still a really small guy. But most of his team is really tiny, too. We lost the game, but that's ok. Our little guys played really well, even though the coaches had to take them to their spots, and when music played, they danced in the field(: Here's some pictures I took from the day:
Brady's number 22, standing beside Daddy.
These cheerleaders were so adorable! They were going to do a cheer for the other team.
Brady's heading toward the huddle, standing near Daddy (with the folder).
Brady is the 4th one from the left, waiting to go out to play. Notice how small most of our team is?
I'll end this with the cheerleaders, they were just so cute.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A Few Bruises But...
For us, it's the last week of summer. Last week of freedom. Last week to do whatever. We've gotta make it last, right? So yesterday, we got together with friends and had a little before-school fun. My dad took Ashley and her friend Briana, and Brady and my cousin Wyatt to go see "The Smurfs". So while Dad did that with the younger kids, Mom took my friends Rachel, Michelle, Casey, and I, and Breanna and her friend Maggie to the skating rink. We had a blast! We had tons a few falls, and I have to say that Casey took the hardest fall. But no one broke anything! So I call that a successful skating trip. My camera died part way through, so I only got a few pictures. The only really annoying thing about going skating during the summer, is you have to go on a Friday night. Not a nice, calm Sunday afternoon, because of course, no one's open! But instead you have to go with all the wild teenagers. Some of them were very annoyingly speeding past us and making us loose our balance, but let's put that behind us. Enjoy the pictures!
It's hard to get a good picture when you can't see the screen(:
It's also hard to get a good picture when you have 4 wheels under your feet(:
But it's easy to get a good picture when you have a good friend taking it(:
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